I may also post on the following topics: health and nutrition; detoxing; fasting; juicing; smoothies; kitchen tips and tricks; frugality; caring for the environment; gardening; nature; all-natural skin and hair care; all-natural cleaning for the home. You get the idea. :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Should I be here or somewhere else???

Hi, friends!

I was excited to have recently begun my food blog here on Blogger (aka Blogspot).  It has certainly been a learning process.  I've tried Blogger before, several years ago when I first learned about blogging and when Blogger, I believe, was still new (or relatively new).  But I think they've changed a lot, and I need to learn how to do everything all over again.  Well, not that I learned how to do everything before, because I didn't then either.  I've already done a few posts in this, my new blog, so I'm learning.

However, I am considering making a switch.  I think I'd like to use Wordpress for my blog.  People say that Wordpress is superior to Blogger if you want to make money off your blog.  I think there's a good chance I will want to start doing some affiliate marketing at some point.  So, yes, I would like to make money off my blog later on down the road.  Or at least have the option to so do.  So I am trying to switch over to Wordpress now.  That's why I haven't posted anything on here lately.

Now I'm dealing with Wordpress being a whole other learning process.  I'm not really finding it to be as easy to use as Blogger has been.  Anyway, If you'd like to check out my progress so far, click here to visit my Wordpress blog.

Combine (1) the learning process of the blogging app(s); and (2) the uploading of photos to the computer and then to the blog; and (3) the actual blogging/typing to go along with the photos..  It's a bit much extra stuff to have on my plate at the moment.  Therefore, it's kinda hard to find the time to devote to this whole new venture, especially considering that I'm sharing a computer with my boyfriend.

All I know right now is that we have some great meals comin' out of this kitchen!  And that I want to share them with others.  I also want to share kitchen / cooking tips, etc.  The medium of blogging, rather than Facebook or whatever else, is the medium that I think I want to use for doing that.  I'd like to share ideas, knowledge and information and help to inspire others.  I'd like to do it in a way that is creative, fun, and a potential source of income.

Thanks for visiting my blog(s).  I hope you will visit again!

this blog on Blogger:  http://soulflower1970.blogspot.com/
newer blog on Wordpress:  http://soulflower1970.wordpress.com/

~ Emily

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing fine! WP does take a little getting used to, but I definitely have enjoyed it more than Blogspot. WP is just more of a grownup blog, in my opinion - lots more options, better formatting, etc. But absolutely whatever you choose to use is what's best! ;)
